Fans of Busted, McFly and any other gubbins should really buy this, for you will like it. Yes, they are punk without question, but hear me out. And if you really need more convincing, then check out Inbetween Days and the fantastically catchy "Why Can't I Be You?" - The bands attempt at a Five Star style track. It does also contain a hideous duet with Saffron from Republica, but we can gloss over that. This CD contains some of the best indie dance floor fillers ever. Truth be told, The Cure have always been a fantastic pop band. The one exception being "Friday I'm in love" but that's crap. Most people think of The Cure as goth ubér lords. Gwen still sounds fantastic before she became obsessed with Japan, and the tunes are great to dance or drive to. I think there is only one duff track on there, but the majority are great. Because when their songs are this good, who cares? No Doubt are a great singles band and this album really illustrates that well. I don't care much for people who say the band "sold out" from their Ska Punk days. But their Singles album really is worth getting. No Doubt's albums, it's far to say, contain a lot of filler. Words can't really sum up this collection for me because it is so utterly brilliant and just reminds me of the happiest times in my life. 'Avenue' always reminds me of living across the road from Highgate woods and taking my red setter maureen for a walk. Saint Etienne - Too Young To Die - was the sound track to my first years living in London. It would start out as a harmless slap across the face then descend into chaos. Me and a friend (who was a bit unhinged) used to find 'Rip her to shreds' highly amusing - but sometimes we would take it a little to seriously and 'act' out the song on each other.

If we ever went anywhere in the car this had to go on. I remember me and a friend (we were only 16) were on our lunch breaks along with 50 odd other people from school queing up in Woolworths - everyone else had a copy of Oasis in their hands and we kind of had to hide poor Janet behind our coat sleeves.īlondie - The one with the cover where the band are stood against a blue back ground and she has a white dress on with some sort of light shining out of her hands - this was the soundtrack to my life circa 1987 - 1991.

Actually its 10 years since this came out and went head to head with "Whats the story." - never really stood a chance did it? And now I feel old. Janet Jackson - Design of a Decade - although she did leave off 'if' which doesn't in my eyes really make it a complete greatest hits collection as that is her best ever song. I liked the idea that she didn't just delve into her past singles and went for album tracks, B-sides, sound track contributions etc. I loved her cover of Seal's 'Crazy', and some of the B-sides like 'Sister Blister' which were added onto it are really good also. Madonna's Immaculate Collection for obvious reasons although I always skip 'Crazy For You', it just reminds of HEART Gold or something too much or those horrible dire Valentines Day Compilation CD's.Īlanis I apologise if I spell her name wrong Morissette, I thought her Greatest hits / odd songs tacked on CD last year was massively overlooked.